Monday, March 30, 2020

A General Concept of Chemistry

A General Concept of ChemistryThe Net Ionic Equation Definition is the scientific process that took place in the nuclear and ionic bonds when there are heat, light, electricity, sound and other electromagnetic forces. This mathematical formula creates energy, which is the force that causes something to vibrate.This science was established by the German chemist, who was also the originator of modern chemistry, in 1699. His theory is based on the concept of the atom and the concept of chemical bonding. He theorized that atoms can be found in molecules with the same number of protons and neutrons, that when these types of molecules come into contact with each other will create heat and light energy.He then moved onto the next step of dividing atoms into certain parts, like protons and neutrons, when these two particles come into contact with each other to create electrical energy in certain parts of the atom. This happens when a current flows through it. This means that if the electron energy is high enough, which allows the electron to move freely through the nucleus, this creates a bond between the electrons and protons, and therefore the forces of attraction and repulsion, as well as heat and light energy.This chemical and ionic equation definition works to create energy as the electron and proton travels along the inner molecular structure. It creates an electronic wave, which is in contact with itself. This makes it possible for an electron to form bonds with a proton, to form molecules.Cells or organisms are actually made up of one or more of these particles. In general, when an electron and proton are combined, they form molecules. Cells divide into different parts depending on the type of cell.There are three main parts that are formed out of this basic building block. Theseare the nucleus, the electron and the proton. The other elements that make up the body are usually attached to the nucleus through bonds.The formula for an ionic equation definition is also known as the formulaic equilibrium. This is the chemistry that occurs when there is an excess of an element. When it is not able to get any more of that element, it will form a molecule of that element. Then there is a reaction between the electron and the proton, to form energy.The net ionic equation definition is a specific form of chemistry that involves balancing the balance of the elements that are in the molecules. It is the physical reason that the free ions are created and the ions are then called the free electrons in the elements.

Friday, March 6, 2020

The Art of Constructively Responding to the Report Card of a Struggling Student

The Art of Constructively Responding to the Report Card of a Struggling Student When a student is struggling in their classes, the time of the year when report cards are released can be a time of overwhelming tension, stress, and anxiety for both the child and parent. These types of negative “report card interactions” impact the environment of the household as they not only put a strain on the relationship between you and your child; they can actually take a toll on your child’s academic performance as well. So how can we take these difficult situations and use them to evoke positive, constructive interactions? The Fear Factor: “Tiger Parent” A “Tiger Parent” is the type of parent that elicits fear within their child regarding their academic endeavors, whether this be through constant displays of heavy disdain and/or anger with their child, excessive punishments, or an overall aggressive approach to their child’s academic status. Many parents will unconsciously display some of these behaviors, ironically, out of love and care; however, such behaviors do not translate that way to the child. I once had a friend who had what I’d like to call “Tiger Parents.” He was struggling in his classes and was afraid of the reaction he would receive from his parents at the sight of his report card. This fear became so great, that he actually paid a friend of his to Photoshop his report card grades into more appealing ones, rather than choose to academically work his way up to an ideal report card each time. This is a display of exactly what the “Tiger Parent” persona can do to a childâ€"such distress being generated in a child can actually cause an adverse effect on the struggling student, causing distance between themselves and their parents. Changing The Atmosphere When struggling students enter into an environment where they are shrouded with the anxiety of fear, it sets the foundation for an automatically negative “report-card-presenting-experience;” and no parent would ever want to set that type of a foundation for their child. Although parents have good intentions for their children, sometimes the disappointed natures in which they approach their children’s report cards can be mistranslated to the child and make them more likely to become heated rather than cooperative. It’s Not all About the Letters: An Understanding Approach In order to communicate well with a struggling student, the first approach a parent needs to take is an approach of understanding. Parents usually have a default way of looking at the letter grades and making immediate negative assumptions, then proceeding to automatically react accordingly, without allowing any space for the child to explain. Let’s say your child brings home a report card, smack dab with lesser-than-ideal letters. Before reacting directly to the letters with an automatic face of disapproval, look to your child first. Go through the report card with them and allow them to explain such letter grades. When you look to your child first without the face of judgment, he/she will be more likely to cooperate and participate in healthy discourse with you regarding their academic standings. Let Them Be Heard: Controlling Impulses Once your child has expressed their struggles, the reaction that you might have would be the impulse to regard your child’s expressions as simply “explanations” and “justifications” for not doing too well. Make sure to back up when this impulse to go on a tangent occurs. Your child will feel most loved and encouraged when they feel as though they are being heard and listened to by you. When they feel heard, they will be more willing to allow you to work with them on how they can attack their academic struggles in order to produce more ideal letter grades for their next report card. Displays of deep disappointment and spurts of discouragement can cause what is referred to as “Self-Prophesized Fulfillment,” a phenomenon where (in this context) a child hears/sees such deep negative talk towards them that can cut so deeply to the point to where they will begin to believe that that is what they are: a disappointmentâ€"that they will always be a disappointment. This causes loss of hope and for children and will decay any remaining academic motivation to build themselves up. Remember that your words to your child as a parent make a huge impact on them during such malleable stages of life. Eating Humble Pie: Positive Reinforcement…and Ice Cream too! This is probably the most important part of all: Positively Reinforcing your child’s achievements. It’s easy for any parent to see a child with a report card studded with “A’s” and take them out for ice cream. However, let’s say a child brings home a report card that might seem like a mess. Although it may not be easy to accept that your child is not exactly presenting the cream of the crop, take the time to accept it. Then realize this: Whether a child scores “A’s” or “C’s,” every student still has strengths and weaknesses, and each report card is a display of suchâ€"really look into the report card to see the ways in which your child has grown in their strengths. For instance, take the time to see that although your child did not exactly score an “A” in math and rather, earned a “C”, notice that he/she did happen to score higher in their math class with that “C” in comparison to their last report card’s math score of a “D.” Celebrate that improvement, and make it known to them that you are proud of that achievement. This positive reinforcement will point out to your child that you have faith in them as a student and will encourage them to want to do well. There’s always a good reason to take your child out for ice cream!

Going off to college 5 things to do in August - TutorNerds

Going off to college 5 things to do in August - TutorNerds Tips from a Costa Mesa College Tutor: 5 Things to do in August if Youre Going Off to College Students who are going off to college this fall dont have too much time left until move-in day. Some universities start classes in August while others dont start until October. Regardless, there are a few things students should do so they are ready to start their college experience successfully. August presents an excellent opportunity for students to focus on the pre-college chores that may have been difficult to get done while they were still a full-time high school student. Whether a student is preparing to adjust to campus life or brushing up on academics, its better to show up drawn up on day one so that the transition to being a college student can go smoothly. 1. Find Affordable Textbooks There are so many great and affordable textbook options these days including renting textbooks and purchasing an online version of a textbook. Students are no longer limited to waiting in a long line at their college bookstore so they can save $5 on a used book. Unless that is, they havent explored alternate options. It’s a good idea for students to research their options ahead of time, so they dont end up buying an overpriced book the first week of class because they became overwhelmed with other college tasks. 2. Map Out a Route Around Campus Its also a great idea to map out a route around campus from the dorm to classes and the library to social activities. Students who know how to get around the first week of college are more likely to be able to focus on their assignments and social activities because they wont be overly stressed. If freshmen have the opportunity to spend some time in person on campus over the summer, they are strongly recommended to do so. They dont necessarily have to join an official tour rather they can just walk around with family or friends and get to know where everything is (READ: Going Off to College: Setting Up a Budget). 3. Start Social Networking With todays technology, many freshmen will already have several acquaintances before they start their first class. Many colleges have a freshman Facebook page, official or unofficial, or a mentor available to speak to new students online. Its a great idea to set a goal of making three definitive social contacts, if possible, this August to prevent the feelings of isolation and loneliness that can occur in many new college students. For the most part, everyone will be in the same boat, and theyll all be looking to make new friends, but its a great idea to have at least one or two people to talk to about the college adjustment period. 4. Line Up Academic Help Another important thing for rising college freshman to do this August is line up academic help just in case their courses are trickier than they thought. In general, college courses are more difficult that high school classes although they may be less stressful because the student has some control over their schedule and learning. Even extremely smart students become overwhelmed with stress and the pressure of post-secondary education and can use some extra help. Whether they get in touch with her high school tutor so they can discuss organizational skills or find an entirely new tutor in their area, its better to line up help before things get difficult (READ: Year-Round School: How to Enjoy Summer Break). 5. Spend Valuable Time With Friends and Family at Home Perhaps one of the most important things soon-to-be college students can do is spend some quality time with friends and family at home before they go off to start their university life. Some students may only be traveling an hour up the road while others may be moving to an entirely new state. Students who spend quality time with people they spent the last four years with are more likely to be able to maintain the social connections and friendships long distance and have a sense of belonging that will help them through their college adjustment period until they have a new set of friends. An excellent way to prepare for college is with the help of a Costa Mesa summer tutor. Even if you got good grades in high school, college will be more difficult than you expect. Get ahead of the curve with summer tutoring. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Is a Chemistry Ap Tutor Right For You?

Is a Chemistry Ap Tutor Right For You?If you are looking for an internship or even an advanced degree in chemistry, then you might be interested in hiring a chemistry Ap Tutor. This is a position that will not only help you learn new and more advanced scientific principles but it can also help you develop new tools and strategies to help you become a better chemist.Chemists in colleges today are usually required to take both a summer internship as well as a one year master's degree in chemistry. This is because chemistry is such a complicated subject that it is important to prepare yourself for the future so that you can prepare for it properly.If you live in an area that is facing a major economic slump, this may seem like an easy job to find. However, if you are looking to make extra money with your degree, then a chemistry Ap Tutor may be just what you need. If you look online, you will see that there are many companies that want to hire a particular type of person.The salary you will receive as an Ap Teacher will depend on your education, the company that you work for, your age, and whether or not you have any special training in the subject. There are many companies that will pay part time wages for up to five hours a week.For the average person, this is a great way to earn some extra money. In addition, if you have a hobby or something else you are passionate about, you can use this time to pursue it and at the same time learn more about the subject. For this reason, most people who take this position prefer to learn how to work with a chemical and equipment rather than with a lab table.If you are at the office all day, you can spend a few hours in the lab every other day. Since you are only in the lab for a few hours at a time, you will not be able to use all ofyour laboratory time but you will have more free time to do things outside of the lab.The salary you will get from being a Chemistry Ap Teacher will vary based on how much experience you have, the length of your employment, and the number of years you have been a student. However, if you really want to become a better chemist, this is the best way to do it. Being able to learn something new every day and applying it to your career will give you more knowledge and a better understanding of chemistry.

Get Help With Your Childs Failing Schoolwork With The Rose Hulman Tutoring Hotline

Get Help With Your Child's Failing Schoolwork With The Rose Hulman Tutoring HotlineIf you're looking for a new learning method for your child, there is no better resource than the Rose Hulman Tutoring Hotline. One of the best things about the hotline is that it is free. This is particularly helpful when it comes to an issue like this as most phone numbers require a fee to use. This can be especially hard on children who are out of control with their emotions and trying to get through a stressful time, so a free one will often prove useful to them.The Rose Hulman Tutoring Hotline is made up of actual teachers and a team of professionals who know what they're doing. They have been doing this for many years and know what it takes to make a perfect classroom environment. They also have years of experience working with kids, so that is definitely a plus. All of this helps to guarantee that your child will be in the best possible learning environment when you pay for the hotline.The Rose H ulman Tutoring Hotline has a number of forms of payment available. This may depend on your needs, however. The free ones are great as they offer the benefit of not requiring any charges. They also offer a sense of security that comes from knowing that there is a possibility that your child will be in good hands.There are other phone numbers available, but there are a few that are particularly good. For example, the line is advertised in the press, which means that there is more publicity for you and your child. If you are trying to find out whether or not your child is being properly looked after, you should pick the phone number that is listed in the media.The Rose Hulman Tutoring Hotline is accessible both over the phone and online. If you don't want to use the telephone, there is a great tool for you to use called 'The Dictator' which will help you to find out what is going on. Of course, you need to be aware that no such information is given in the media, so you'll need to searc h elsewhere for this information.It may be easier for you to download the software and use it online if you don't have web access. There is also a free online version of the hotline where you can call and ask questions that you may have about your child's performance. You can even call on the hotline with your child.When it comes to how the hotline works, it is fairly simple. You'll need to call the number and talk to a person who will be able to answer any questions you may have about your child. This person will also be able to give you details about what their tutoring service will entail and how they will work with your child.

How to Make a Good Impression on Your College Professor

How to Make a Good Impression on Your College Professor Succeeding in a college class isnt always just about the grades. Being able to walk away knowing you developed a positive and lasting relationship with your professor is a sign of accomplishment as well. Creating such a rapport with this person can be very beneficial to the rest of your college career in addition to your future as a young professional. You may also want to check out this information on myths to avoid about college professors. But how do you go about this? How can you make sure to stand out amongst your peers and be the one student that really impresses that professor? No huge gesture is necessary; its more about a series of baby steps that gradually build up to grant you that esteemed reputation. Sit in the front row: Its not that sitting somewhere in the middle or toward the back will give the professor a bad impression of you, but sitting in front is a guaranteed way of letting them know you actually care. Sitting in the front row shows a professor that you are comfortable participating and have no desire to hide from class involvement. Plus, you are more likely to be a memorable face if you are so prominently placed up close. It will be far easier to hear and see new material as well, not to mention you will be seen as setting a good example for the rest of the class. Professors always appreciate a leader in the class who can set high standards for the rest of the students. The professor will certainly take note of your initiative and keep it in mind when he or she comes across your name later on. Ask questions: In class, after class, through email wherever, whenever. Just ask them. In addition to this clearly being a good idea anyway to help move along your progress in the class, it will prove to the professor that you are actually taking an interest in the subjects being covered. Any student can listen attentively and try to figure things out later on their own, but students with real eagerness to grasp the concepts as quickly as possible like to get their questions asked as they pop up. Dont be shy about raising your hand and expressing your confusion about a topic; odds are you are probably getting other students inquiries taken care of as well. Professors like to see students who are truly curious about the subject matter and who want to guarantee an understanding of it in a timely manner. These types of students will stick out in a professors mind faster than others will. Here are some great tips on how to participate in a class discussionthat you may also want to check out. Visit during Office Hours: Due to the randomness of the college schedule, all professors must set aside a regular time for students to visit them in their offices. Although you may be tired, busy, or just plain lazy, you should definitely make time to see your professor during this designated time. Especially since most students dont take advantage of this opportunity, you just showing up will leave a very positive mark with your professor. More importantly, this is a fantastic time to be at ease with your professor and have a comfortable conversation. This is a great chance for you to share your thoughts about the class, your concerns with certain assignments, and just get a better of understanding of who your professor is and what they expect of their students in general. If the two of you really end up getting along, this may turn into a solid networking opportunity and serve as the first big step into the desired rapport you have been hoping for. Inquire about how you can improve: This is something that can be done preferably within office hour visits. There is almost always room for you to do better in a class, and students are striving to do better more often than not. While undergoing marathon study sessions and consulting with your peers are helpful ideas, why not go straight to the source? Showing your professor a genuine concern you have for your grade will make a huge impression that is very likely to help you significantly. On top of getting you on the perfect path to achieving your desired grade, this will make the professor understand that you are treating this class as more than just a course to pass you want it to reflect your best work. Professors will happily recognize this kind of extra effort and remember it later on in the semester when looking at your work. Moreover, your journey will resonate with them as the class wraps up, providing them with that great impression you were hoping to leave. Here are some great tips to check out on the best study habits. As you go through your classes, dont forget how helpful your professors can really be. If you put in the effort, they will typically match it and become a great source of mentorship for you. If all goes well, this mentorship will last long past the ending of the class. This is one of the many academic opportunities in college that you wont want to see slip away!

Derivative of x 3

Derivative of x 3 Derivative of x 3 is defined as the differentiation of x^3. This differentiation is guided by the following general formula:- Formula is d(x^n)/ dx = n x^ (n-1) Here x is the variable involved whose differentiation is to be calculated and n is its exponent/power. This tool helps in finding the differentiation of the terms involving x^3. The terms can be interconnected by the addition, multiplication, subtraction, or division operator. This tool uses step by step procedure along with formulas to evaluate the solution of problem involving x^3. This can be more clarified by the following suitable examples. Question 1: Find out the derivative by using addition rule of function y = 10 + x^3 with respect to x. Solution: Given y = 10 + x^3 So by using addition rule of differentiation, We get dy/dx = d (10)/dx + d(x^3)/dx = 0 + d(x^3)/dx (because differentiation of constant function is zero) = 0 + 3 x^ (3-1) (because we know that d(x^n)/ dx = n x^ (n-1)) = 3x^2 So dy/dx = d (10 + x^3)/dx = 3x^2 is the required answer. Question 2: Find out the differentiation of y = 1000 (x^3) Solution: Given y = 1000 (x^3) We know that, d (kx)/dx = k. dx/dx Therefore dy/dx = d (1000 (x^3))/ dx = 1000 d(x^3)/dx = 1000 (3 (x) ^ (3-1)) = 1000 (3x^2) = 3000 x^2 Hence dy/dx = d (1000 (x^3))/ dx = 3000 x^2 is the required differentiation of function y.

7 Habits to Adopt for Introverts - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / 7 Habits to Adopt for Introverts - Introvert Whisperer 7 Habits to Adopt for Introverts Commonly mistaken for shy people who lack confidence and social skills, introverts are actually people who prefer spending time alone or in small groups. Their inspiration, motivation and energy recharge come from being alone in a quiet place. Busy workplaces and big social gatherings can overstimulate them and make them seem awkward and shy. In reality, they just prefer social situations that include spending one-on-one time with their friends in a quiet bar or at home, reading a book. If you are an introvert you have probably discovered these traits in yourself, and maybe you have found a way to make a place for yourself in a world that glorifies extroversion and views introversion as weakness. Research shows that extroverts rate better at happiness scales, and even introverts who act like extroverts show more symptoms of happiness. However, there are still many ways in which you can make your life happier and be more outgoing and successful while still honouring your unique character. Here are 7 habits you can adopt to live a happier life as an introvert. 1. Help Others This will help you get out of your head. Overthinking is a common trait of introverts and can be quite overwhelming. Find a way to be of service to someone without getting anything in exchange. You will feel happier knowing you did something meaningful. Moreover, doing something for someone else will also help you to become more extroverted in a way that is not entirely out of character or uncomfortable to you. By immersing yourself into meaningful and selfless action, you won’t even recognise that you stepped out of your comfort zone. 2. Do the Networking Your Way We know, starting conversations and promoting yourself and your skills isn’t the most natural nor convenient way for you. Yet, it is much needed if you want to prosper in your career and secure a happier life as a professional. Instead of forcing yourself to speak directly to people at networking events, use your best strengths and the digital era to your advantage. Write emails, use social media, or ask your closest friends and colleagues to introduce you. In this way you are being proactive about your career and true to your personality. 3. Embrace Your Introversion Despite the recent interest society has shown in introverts, extroverted personalities still tend to be considered more socially acceptable and viewed as better suited for certain positions. This often leads to introverts seeing their temperament as something negative or unwanted. However, introversion is actually a part of your personality that makes it unique and beautiful, since it provides more insight, better attention to details, better listening strategies and many more benefits. Realising this will help you appreciate and embrace your introversion as a valuable addition to the colourful and diverse set of human characters. 4. Help Others to Get to Know You Better In order to avoid the sometimes awkward social situations or coming off as rude or uninterested in other people’s lives or opinion, be honest and upfront with them and tell them that you are an introvert. You will save yourself from overthinking each word you say to someone. Furthermore, you will turn a social situation to your advantage, since opening up to someone will make room for more meaningful conversations, the ones you most likely enjoy as an introvert. Finally, speaking to your family or close friends about your introversion can help them understand you and your actions better, which will make your relationships closer. 5. Utilise Your Introspection Use your most prominent character trait as your most powerful weapon that can serve your career, your personal life and your creativity in general. As you are used to acquiring energy through reflection, introspection and doing creative activities that require being alone and mindful, use it to get inspiration to develop new creative ideas. No matter what your job or personal life is at the moment, your favourite pastime activities such as reading, writing, listening to music or doing mindful meditation practice can be a valuable source for generating new ideas. Make sure to write down your thoughts and new ideas as they appear. 6. Travel Again, use your character to bring more happiness to yourself and to the people around you. As the naturally skilled planner you are, you will most likely enjoy developing a perfect plan for the most amazing trip for yourself and your family or friends. It is a widely known fact that planning a trip increases our happiness levels even more than the actual experience. Furthermore, travelling can boost your wellbeing, happiness and confidence in a number of ways. It helps you to be more comfortable in social situations, since it creates more opportunities for meeting new people and starting conversations. Experiencing different cultures, people and customs provides a better perspective and makes you less self-conscious and more accepting of yours and others’ characters. Choose destinations that will allow you to both mix with others if you feel like it, and yet leave room for alone time as well. My personal recommendation would be the Algarve, which offers plenty in terms of relaxation, culture and fresh experiences. 7. Challenge Yourself Once in a While Try to act as an extrovert just to see how you would feel. The mentioned research suggests that acting extroverted makes people happier. Try to start a conversation with a barista, someone on the train or while waiting in line. Challenge your comfort zone, not because there is something wrong with being an introvert, but to understand yourself better. Author: Rebecca is a translator by day, and a traveler mostly at night. She is an expert on living with jet lag â€" and packing in tiny suitcases. You can read more of her exploits at RoughDraft. Go to top Do you know what your next career step is?  Many people don’t. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook on how to construct your Career SMART Goals â€" that will help you put together your actions and keep you accountable. Get your copy now and start your action plan today! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

What is it Like to Attend Bucknell University

What is it Like to Attend Bucknell University Jared earned his bachelors degree in biomedical engineering from Bucknell University. He specializes in geometry tutoring, biology tutoring, and a number of other subjects. Below, he shares his experience at Bucknell University: Describe the campus setting and transportation options. Jared: Bucknell is a pretty rural campus. Theres a beautiful, historic, and quaint downtown. Both the campus and the town of Lewisburg, PA are extremely safe. Theres a bus that takes you to certain places around campus and to grocery stores and medical centers. Theres also a late-night bus that circulates between the upper part of campus and downtown. Luckily, at Bucknell you will never need to drive from one place on campus to another or to downtown; everything is within walking distance. How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Jared:Professors, advisers, and TAs are all available. All of the professors are primarily there to teach, not to do research. So, their favorite part of their job is teaching you during class or office hours. Advisers are professors in your department, so they will be equally available. TAs also always hold office hours. How would you describe the dorm liferooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Jared:Dorm life is good. Bucknell works really hard during orientation to connect you with your peers and your RA. Buildings have tight communities that end up being groups of friends. If you join a residential college, youll have two upperclassmen in your hall that youll live with all year long and a class that youre guaranteed to have with a lot of your hallmates. Bucknell is a small enough campus that none of the first year dorms are in bad spots. Socialization is also easy. There are common areas in every dorm, and each dorm hall has its own programs that connect you with other people. Your first year, you have an unlimited dining plan in Bostwick Marketplace, or the cafeteria with an open buffet, which is great because you can socialize with people you know all of the time. Some people like the food there so much that they get the unlimited meal plan all four years at Bucknell. Which majors/programs are best represented and supported? Jared:Every major and program is really well supported. Some are smaller than others, and some have more or less funding, but theyre all supported. How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Jared:Greek life is huge on Bucknells campus; around two thirds of the campus joins. The good thing about it is that you cant join a Greek organization until your sophomore year, so you have a lot of time to decide whether or not its something that fits with what you want out of your college experience. I chose not to get involved in Greek life, even though many of my friends did. Theres a lot of other ways to make friends aside from Greek life. I didnt have a hard time making friends at Bucknell. Orientation does a great job at breaking down the awkward barriers of making new friends. At Bucknell, almost everyone is in the same boat as you; they know almost no one and they want to find friends. I found sports a good way to make friends, but other people have made friends through video games, the arts, their major, and other avenues. I continued to meet people all four years by joining different clubs, my on-campus jobs, and through other chance interactions. How helpful are the Career Centerand other student support services? Jared:The career center works really hard at Bucknell. Some really awesome companies, like Deloitte, Merck, General Electric, Microsoft, and many others recruit at Bucknell. Ive heard of people getting offers from other companies, too, like Amazon, Google, and Morgan Stanley. The career center does a great job of connecting you with alumni in your industry to get you internships, jobs, and mentoring advice; all you have to do is put in the necessary effort. How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Jared:Study areas at Bucknell are great. There is a gorgeous library, a cool coffee shop, and buildings on campus open all hours of the day so you can just camp out and do homework in them. I went into computer labs in certain buildings during the evening hours and they were usually empty because other people didnt think to go there. The places are never so overcrowded so that you cant find a spot, but if youre looking for a quiet spot during certain peak times of the day or the year, it can be challenging. Describe the surrounding town. Jared:Downtown Lewisburg is a true gem that far too few people take advantage of during their time at Bucknell. It has great places to eat, cute places to shop, and quaint places to hang out. How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Jared:There are about 3,600 undergraduate students at Bucknell. My biggest classes were my introductory chemistry, physics, biology, and engineering classes, which were around 60 people. I had a total of eight classes with over 50 students in them, and the rest of the classes I had at Bucknell were around 20-25 students per class. Every professor I had still remembers my name; so, even if you have bigger classes, they will still get to know you if you put in the effort. Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Jared:Three years after my introductory biology course, I went to a campus event called Chrysalis, which is attended by most of Bucknells students and faculty. Its a semi-formal event with hors doeuvres and a concert. The band never played their most famous song, so it was obvious that they were going to come back out for an encore. A minute later, a music video of their most famous song came on. Then, as the chorus came and they walked on stage, I started looking around, making ridiculous faces, pretending to be surprised. I caught the eye of my favorite professor from my first year at Bucknell while making a ridiculous face. He made an equally ridiculous face back at me also pretending to be surprised. I laughed for the rest of the song. Check out Jareds tutoring profile.The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.